Saturday, September 24, 2011

photos from around the garden... 2011

At the start of the season in April:

In July:

Around the garden and ready to EAT!!
Oregon Sugar Snap Peas

Cucumber stuck in the fence. lol

Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes

Sweet, Sweet corn. :)

Garden 2011 Layout

1. Garlic
2. Onions
3. Potatoes
4. Russian Tea Bush
5. Corn
6. Mustard
7. Dill
8. Tomatoes
9. Beets
10. Squash
11. Cucumbers
12. Blueberries
13. Kale
14. Salad Mix
15. Lettuce
16. Peas
17. Asparagus
18. Beans
19. Parsley

• Just outside the garden this year, I will also be planting more cucumber, watermelon and pumpkin. An old timer in the area plants these outside his deer fencing, and the deer don't bother them, so I'm trying it myself to see if I can get more out of the "outside" of my garden by not planting the space hogging pumpkins and melons there.
• Areas 14 through 18 are meant to be interchangeable in order to have rotation for lettuce, beans and peas all within a shaded area with similar sized planting spaces.
• #1 and #2 go back beside the rabbit hutch.